间不容瞚 jiān bù róng shùn
指眨眼的时间都没有。形容时间的短促。...间不容发 jiān bù róng fà
间不容发jiānbùróngfà(1) 中间放置不下一根头发,形容相距极微例律厤迭相治,其间不容发。——《大戴礼记》英a seamless heavenly robe——flawless;by the skin of one's teeth;by a hair's breadth;the difference is as narrow as a hair's breadth(2) 比喻情势危急到极点例其出不出,间不容发。——汉·枚乘《上书谏吴王》英the situation is extremely critical;within a hair of;within an inch of...间不容息 jiàn bù róng xī
间:距离,间隔。息:呼气。间隔的时间不能让人呼出一口气。比喻时间紧迫,时机很容易错过。...间不容缕 jiān bù róng lǚ
比喻与灾祸相距极近或情势危急到极点。同“间不容发”。...间不容瞬 jiān bù róng shùn
指眨眼的时间都没有。形容时间短促。...间容不发 jiān róng bù fà
解 释 空隙中容不下一根头发。比喻事物很精密或时间紧迫,事机危急。...容奸 róng jiān