忧忡 yōu chōng
忧虑不安。...愁忧 chóu yōu
忧愁。...忧伤愁闷 yōu shāng chóu mèn
指一个人很不开心,愁闷,指忧愁苦闷;忧虑烦闷。...忧愁 yōu chóu
忧愁yōuchóu(1) 忧虑愁苦 例 忧愁满面 英 sad;worried;depressed...无端忧愁 wú duān yōu chóu
无端忧愁是汉语词汇,拼音为wú duān yōu chóu,意思是没有原因的出现心理负担的因素。...满腹忧愁 mǎn fù yōu chóu
形容怨愤之气极大。...畴咨之忧 chóu zī zhī yōu
指人才难求的忧虑。...忧怵 yōu chù
犹忧伤。...单忧极瘁 dān yōu jí cuì
谓极尽忧虑辛劳之苦。单,通'殚'。...忧瘁 yōu cuì
忧伤困顿。...忧悴 yōu cuì
忧伤。...忧怛 yōu dá
忧愁悲伤。...三忧 sān yōu
三种可忧之事。指不知,知而不学,学而不行。...百忧 bǎi yōu
1.种种忧虑。...忧怜 yōu lián
忧念爱惜。...忧悯 yōu mǐn
1.亦作"忧悯"。 2.忧虑哀怜。...忧恫 yōu dòng
忧伤悲痛。...忧轸 yōu zhěn
深切忧虑。...杞人忧天 qǐ rén yōu tiān
杞人忧天qǐrén-yōutiān(1) 《列子·天瑞》:“杞国有人忧天地崩坠,身亡所寄,废寝食者”。传说杞国有个人怕天塌下来,愁得寝食不安英like the man of Qi who was haunted by the fear that the sky might fall(2) 比喻不必要的忧虑英with unwarranted anxiety...杞天忧 qǐ tiān yōu
杞天忧qǐ tiān yōu(1) 《列子·天瑞》:“杞国有人忧天地崩坠,身亡所寄,废寝食者”。传说杞国有个人怕天塌下来,愁得寝食不安英like the man of Qi who was haunted by the fear that the sky might fall(2) 比喻不必要的忧虑英with unwarranted anxiety...