湌泄 cān xiè
谓食物未经消化而排泄。...掣掣泄泄 chè chè xiè xiè
随风飘荡貌。...承泄 chéng xiè
容纳排泄。...春光漏泄 chūn guāng lòu xiè
春光漏泄chūnguāng-lòuxiè(1) 男女的奸情私通苟合被人觉察识破 例 呀,这春光漏泄,怎地开交?——洪昇《长生殿·絮阁》 英 the spring light divulged...五泄 wǔ xiè
亦作“五泄”。...水泄不通 shuǐ xiè bù tōng
水泄不通shuǐxiè-bùtōng(1) 形容十分拥挤或围得非常严密例板棚里挤得水泄不通。——《筑路》英be so jammed as to be impassable;be watertight that not even a drop of water could trickle through...泄泄沓沓 xiè xiè tà tà
弛缓;懈怠。语出《孟子•离娄上》:“《诗》曰:‘天之方蹶,无然泄泄。’泄泄,犹沓沓也。”...水泄不透 shuǐ xiè bù tòu
水泄不透shuǐ xiè bù tòu(1) 形容十分拥挤或围得非常严密例板棚里挤得水泄不透。——《筑路》英be so jammed as to be impassable;be watertight that not even a drop of water could trickle through...泄寃 xiè yuān
表白或洗雪冤屈。...泄泄 yì yì
...融融泄泄 róng róng yì yì
见“融融泄泄 ”。...溶溶泄泄 róng róng xiè xiè
见“溶溶曳曳 ”。...沮泄 jǔ xiè
泄漏。...渲泄 xuàn xiè
1.泄露;泄漏。2.犹言舒散。3.排放,泄出。...泄剂 xiè jì
即泄药。...渗泄 shèn xiè
泄露;泄漏。 指侵蚀财货。 中医谓利尿。...欧泄 ōu xiè
1.亦作"欧泄"。 2.上吐下泻。...导泄 dǎo xiè
疏导排泄。...泄泄悠悠 xiè xiè yōu yōu
形容悠闲自在的样子。...无然泄泄 wú rán yì yì