疾恶如讐 jí è rú chóu
疾恶如讐jí è rú chóu(1) 憎恨邪恶就同憎恨仇人一样 英 hate evil like an enemy abhor evils as deadly foes;abhor evils as if they were personal enemies;hate the wicked as you do your enemies...雠疾 chóu jí
1.亦作"雠疾"。 2.仇恨﹐憎恨。...疾恶如雠 jí è rú chóu
疾恶如雠jí è rú chóu(1) 憎恨邪恶就同憎恨仇人一样 英 hate evil like an enemy abhor evils as deadly foes;abhor evils as if they were personal enemies;hate the wicked as you do your enemies...疾恶若雠 jí è ruò chóu
疾恶若雠jí è ruò chóu(1) 憎恨邪恶就同憎恨仇人一样 英 hate evil like an enemy abhor evils as deadly foes;abhor evils as if they were personal enemies;hate the wicked as you do your enemies...除疾遗类 chú jí yí lèi
遗:留下。类:种。只治表面的病,又留下了病根。比喻去患不彻底,留下祸根。...除疾 chú jí
医治疾病。...遄疾 chuán jí
犹急速。...疮疥之疾 chuāng jiè zhī jí
喻轻微的祸患。...疮疾 chuāng jí
1.泛指疥癣痈疽等皮肤及外科疾患。...辞疾 cí jí
犹辞病。...促疾 cù jí
1.急促。...疾瘯 jí cù
患皮肤病。指患小病。...疾首蹙额 jí shǒu cù é
疾首蹙额jíshǒu-cù’é(1) 形容心里非常怨恨、讨厌 英 with aching head and knitted brows;with abhorrence...疾首蹙頞 jí shǒu cù è
1.见"疾首蹙额"。...疾首嚬蹙 jí shǒu pín cù
犹言疾首蹙额。...五疾 wǔ jí
五种残疾。五种弊病。...六疾馆 liù jí guǎn
南朝·齐·文惠太子·萧长懋所建馆名。...三疾 sān jí
1.指狂﹑矜﹑愚三种不良气质。 2.指好色﹑好货﹑好勇三种恶习。...六疾 liù jí
六种疾病:寒疾﹑热疾﹑末四肢 疾﹑腹疾﹑惑疾﹑心疾。...百疾 bǎi jí
1.各种疾病。 2.犹变诈。...