累茧 lèi jiǎn
1.亦作"累趼"。 2.谓由于久行,足上磨出重重硬皮。...累仍 lèi réng
屡次,频仍。...费累 fèi lèi
1.牵挂费心。 2.花费金钱,遭受麻烦。...穷岁累月 qióng suì lèi yuè
犹言穷年累世。...联累 lián lèi
联缀。...连篇累牍 lián piān lěi dú
连篇累牍liánpiān-lěidú(1) 牍:古代写字用的竹、木简。形容文字冗长罗嗦英an endless assortment of articles;column after column; keep on repeating the insipid talk; lengthy and tedious writings; pages and pages of persiflage...连篇累帧 lián piān lèi zhēn
连篇累帧lián piān lèi zhèng(1)牍:古代写字用的竹、木简。形容文字冗长罗嗦英an endless assortment of articles;column after column; keep on repeating the insipid talk; lengthy and tedious writings; pages and pages of persiflage...连篇累帙 lián piān lèi zhì
连篇累帙lián piān lèi zhì(1) 牍:古代写字用的竹、木简。形容文字冗长罗嗦英an endless assortment of articles;column after column; keep on repeating the insipid talk; lengthy and tedious writings; pages and pages of persiflage...累牍连篇 lěi dú lián piān
累牍连篇lěi dú lián piān(1) 牍:古代写字用的竹、木简。形容文字冗长罗嗦英an endless assortment of articles;column after column; keep on repeating the insipid talk; lengthy and tedious writings; pages and pages of persiflage...连篇累幅 lián piān lèi fú
同“连篇累牍”。...秽累 huì lèi
1.谓俗事牵累。...孥累 nú lèi
谓妻子老小。...谴累 qiǎn lèi
谓受牵累而遭谪降。...陷累 xiàn lèi
1.遭累。...架累 jià lèi
谓抬举,推举。...累屋重架 lěi wū chóng jià
累:重叠。指层次重叠。...累稔 lèi rěn